Online Ayurveda Dosha Test
Find out more about your Ayurvedic constitution
To find out more about your current Ayurvedic Dosha constitution, you can take a free, simplified Dosha test here. This is based on a few questions that help to determine your current constitution. Once you have answered all the questions, you will receive a direct evaluation of your current Dosha composition.

Start the Dosha test
To find out more about your current constitution, start right here on the page with the Dosha test.

Answer the questions
Click through the test and answer the 16 questions about your physical and psychological characteristics.

Receive your result directly
After you have answered all the questions, you will immediately receive your result for your current Dosha constitution.
Start the test here and find out more about your current Ayurveda constitution.
Ayurveda is the knowledge of life.
It helps you to understand what your body wants to tell you and what it really needs to be healthy and in balance.
Ayurveda - the knowledge of life
Ayurveda is a holistic healing system that originated in India around 5,000 years ago. Translated, Ayurveda means "the knowledge of life" and, as a holistic health theory, deals with all areas of life on a physical and psychological level. Ayurveda views people individually and holistically. It therefore deals with all aspects of life and makes extensive recommendations regarding nutrition, personal hygiene, lifestyle and the organisation of daily routines.
Health from an Ayurvedic perspective
In Ayurveda, health does not just mean "not being ill", but inner contentment and a strong vitality. The Ayurvedic term for health is "Svasthavritta" and means something like "the way of life that corresponds to one's own nature". So everyone can lead an all-round healthy, happy and contented life if they accept the recommendations of Ayurvedic teachings according to their constitution and live accordingly.
The three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha
The centrepiece of Ayurveda is the determination of constitution. Every person is born with a certain weighting of the three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha. This weighting determines their basic constitution and therefore the physical and mental condition of each individual.
In order to make a complete recommendation for all life situations, the physical and psychological constitution and all the skills and knowledge of a person are taken into account. External factors such as the social environment and the economic situation are also taken into account. According to Ayurveda, perfect health and the development of all abilities is only possible when body, mind and soul are in harmony.

The three Ayurveda types (doshas)

Vata type
The vata dosha is characterised by the elements air and ether. Vata types are usually very wiry and slim. They are also very enthusiastic, communicative and active people.
When they become imbalanced, they often suffer from dry skin, constipation, flatulence, musculoskeletal disorders, anxiety, nervousness, depression and self-doubt.

Pitta type
Pitta dosha is characterised by the elements fire and water. Pitta people usually have a muscular, athletic physique and are ambitious and determined people with an inner fire.
When they are imbalanced, they often suffer from hyperacidity, heartburn, inflammation, skin diseases, internal heat or diarrhoea. On an emotional level, this can lead to anger, impatience and rage.

Kapha type
Kapha dosha is characterised by the elements water and earth. Kapha people tend to have a strong and very stable physique and are very cosy, responsible and reliable people.
An imbalance is noticeable in Kapha types through water retention, obesity, listlessness, a feeling of fullness, phlegm and sluggishness.
Ayurveda Dosha Test | Find out your constitution
How it works
Please note that this dosha test does not replace a detailed analysis & consultation with an Ayurveda health counsellor or an Ayurveda doctor, but only gives an initial idea of which doshas are currently predominant.
Your predominant Dosha constitution is
VattaIf you would like to find out more about your individual constitution and how you can deal with possible physical, emotional and/or psychological symptoms, you can find more information about personalised holistic 1:1 Ayurveda mentoring here.
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