What could be better than quick, uncomplicated enjoyment, just when you feel like it?
Important: be prepared!
I use frozen strawberries in this recipe, but there are no limits to your creativity and your taste and you can use any type of fruit that you fancy and that you have in your freezer.
The toppings make it exciting
Frozen fruit purée is a tasty treat in itself. The cool treat becomes really varied and exciting when you add other flavours and textures.
Suitable for this are e.g:
- Cocoa nibs
- Grated coconut
- Roasted or caramelised grains / nuts / seeds
- Sauces (e.g. chocolate sauce, strawberry sauce, etc.) and sweeteners/syrups (date syrup, agave syrup, yacon syrup, etc.)
- Crumble in biscuits / chocolate
- …
Preparation time: approx. 15 min
Ingredients for 1 portion
- 150 g frozen strawberries
- 5 dates, pitted
- 150 ml plant-based drink of your choice
- 1 tbsp peanut butter
- 1 stem of mint
- 1 handful of peanuts, unsalted & roasted
- Yacon syrup
- Cocoa nibs
Pour half of the strawberry mixture into a small bowl, top with a few peanuts and yacon syrup. Then top with the rest of the strawberry mixture and garnish with peanuts, yacon syrup, cocoa nibs and a little mint.
Have fun feasting!!!
Your Katinka