Power breakfast porridge

Recipe from: Katinka Ehret

Category: Breakfast

Published on: 4 June 2019

For a long time, we ate the familiar and still so widespread breakfast bread in the morning. It wasn't bad and if it's a great, wholesome bread and comes with a good spread or topping, then there's certainly nothing wrong with it. It's quick and filling - and hopefully also nourishing, depending on the ingredients used.

When we switched to a healthy, wholesome, vegan diet, we looked for alternatives and quickly ended up with porridge

Porridge can be boring and taste rubbish - but there's another way!

Despite the fact that a supposedly healthy, balanced diet is important, it should still be fun and, above all, as tasty as possible. That's why we make our porridge as exciting as possible and use all kinds of delicious ingredients to prepare it.

Here you go...

Katinka Ehret | Personal Trainerin | Ganzheitliche Gesundheit
Preparation time: approx. 15 min

Ingredients for 2 portions

  • 2-3 handfuls of wholemeal oat/wholemeal spelt flakes
  • 4 tbsp ground linseed
  • Plant-based drink (oat milk / soya milk / almond milk / ..)
  • 1 handful of fresh seasonal fruit of your choice, cut into small pieces
  • 1-2 dried fruits (dates, apricots, figs) cut into small pieces if necessary
  • 1-2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
  • 2 tbsp almond butter
  • Handful of roasted nuts (cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, pecan nuts)
  • 1-2 tbsp cocoa nibs
  • 1-2 tbsp hulled hemp seeds
  • Additional toppings of your choice (e.g. grated coconut)


Mix the flakes with the linseed in a pan, cover with the vegetable drink and stir. Bring to the boil over a medium heat so that the liquid boils away and the mixture becomes a little creamier without burning. Stir in the fruit and dried fruit and heat briefly. Stir in a little more vegetable drink if desired.

Divide everything into 2 bowls. Stir in cocoa to taste. Spread almond butter on top and sprinkle with nuts, cocoa nibs and hemp seeds.

Enjoy it and eat yourself full and healthy,

Your Katinka

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