Vegan cats - is that possible?


Recipe from: Katinka Ehret

Published on: 25 February 2020

As a vegan, I am often asked what I feed my cats at home. And what can I say - of course I have given this question a lot of thought and looked at how the "tigers" can best be fed, how they can get everything they need without harming other animals. So the question of whether you can feed cats a vegan diet immediately came up.

Why vegan cat food at all?

But let's take a step back. Why was this consideration made in the first place? Well, I want all living beings to be able to live on this earth as unharmed as possible. That's why I live vegan. And if you look at what goes on in the "meat industry" and "animal feed industry", it makes you feel quite different.

Animal feed in particular often contains slaughterhouse waste that is no longer acceptable to humans and therefore ends up in their bowls. It is not uncommon for meat-based foods to contain ingredients that tend to make dogs and cats ill and do not provide them with optimal nutrition. Just because it is "meat" does not automatically mean that it is good for the dogs and cats and provides them with sufficient nutrition and does not burden them. These foods also contain antibiotics, which is not good for our furry friends at home either.

That's why we decided to take a quick look at whether we could also provide our cats with vegan food.

It is very important that they get all the nutrients they need from their food!

Tauric acid is essential for cats

As with humans and every other species, it's not about what they eat, but that what they eat provides them with all the nutrients they need.

This is why people who are no longer able to eat due to illness, for example, can also be given intravenous nutrition. It is important that all the essential nutrients that the body needs for its metabolism are included.

It's the same with cat food. And here it is very important that tauric acid is included. This is an essential amino acid that cats definitely need to get from their food.

Katinka Ehret | Personal Trainerin | Ganzheitliche Gesundheit
Katinka Ehret | Personal Trainerin | Ganzheitliche Gesundheit

Vegan cat food

The good thing is that there are already suppliers on the market who pay close attention to this. Namely that the food contains as little rubbish as possible, plus the tauric acid. And that means you can actually feed your cats a vegan diet without any problems.

We have successfully tested the following providers and found them to be good for our cats:

  • Amicat" (dry food in 1.5kg and 7.5kg bags)*
  • Benevo" (dry food in 2kg and 10kg bags, or wet food in tins)*.

Less waste

The great side effect: the large bags from both manufacturers also produce far less waste than all the small tins or plastic bags that you see in the "normal" cat food department.

Cats are "bad drinkers"

We simply mix the two brands and our two cats like the dry food very much. They don't like the wet food from Benevo so much.

And as they "only" get the dry food, we always give them a bowl of dry kibble and a bowl with a little water mixed in. They love both in combination and always take turns at the bowls when feeding.

The linked products from Amicat and Benevo (marked with *) are unpaid advertising because I am simply convinced by the products. If you go to Amazon via the link, however, my Amazon ID is stored and I receive a corresponding commission from Amazon when you place an order, i.e. you can support my work and my blog here. Of course I'm very happy about that 🙂

Have fun trying them out and making them tasty 🙂

Your Katinka

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