Premium Personal Training

How to create inner balance and holistic health as a successful entrepreneur

If you feel that your energy and inner peace are getting lost in everyday business life, these could be the most important lines you read today. And for the following reason:

But before I show you how my accompaniment can help you, I would like to make one thing clear

My Premium Personal Training is not a quick-fix miracle method that promises you results without effort. It requires your commitment, your willingness to question your habits and make changes to your everyday life.

If you are not prepared to take responsibility for your health and well-being, then my guidance is not for you.

But if you have the desire to really balance your life and want to be supported in doing so, then this could be the key to a new chapter in your life.

Katinka Ehret | Personal Trainerin | Ganzheitliche Gesundheit

You won't get that from me


An overloaded training programme with no consideration for your mental and emotional needs


A standardised training concept without individual adaptation to your life situation


One-sided fitness solutions - my training encompasses body, mind and soul in equal measure


Stressful training sessions that add to your already full agenda


Short, superficial workouts - I prioritise mindfulness and quality over quantity


Blatant promises that every goal is so easy to achieve and, above all, is good for you

Now that we've cleared that up, let me show you exactly what you get here.

You will receive customised premium personal training that is specifically designed to strengthen your inner resources and create a sustainable balance in your life. Each training session is customised to your needs to ensure that you make continuous progress and feel good in your body and mind.

But that's just the beginning!
With my premium personal training you get much more


Close support to integrate a healthy exercise routine into your everyday life that suits you perfectly


A competent contact for topics relating to holistic health and physical balance and well-being


How to develop healthy routines that enrich and balance your everyday life and help you to lead a conscious and fulfilling life in the long term

How to integrate self-care into your everyday life without feeling guilty
Methods to increase your physical well-being, making you stronger and more resilient

Techniques to improve your body awareness in order to better respond to your body's signals and thus avoid imbalances and injuries

How to set and achieve your goals correctly by integrating small, achievable steps into your everyday life
Tips for creating a balanced lifestyle that takes equal account of body, mind and soul
How to make good use of your energy throughout the day without relying on caffeine or energy drinks
The best breathing techniques to optimally regulate your nervous system and find immediate calm and clarity in stressful moments

Personalised tips to improve your eating habits, which can be easily integrated into your everyday life and take good care of your body

Regular check-ins to track your progress and ensure you stay on track towards your goals

Let's go

What you also get

I know that these approaches and methods are the key to more inner balance, well-being and a healthy body. But to make sure that you really achieve the results you want, I would like to offer you something very special. As additional support for your success, you will receive the following bonus services exclusively in my Premium Life Changer programme free of charge:

Katinka Ehret | Personal Trainerin | Ganzheitliche Gesundheit

Theta Healing

Everyday challenges, fears, resentment, illness - all of these have an impact on physical health. In a Theta Healing session, we identify associated deep-seated beliefs and convictions and dissolve them sustainably.

Katinka Ehret | Personal Trainerin | Ganzheitliche Gesundheit

Ayurveda Coaching

Ayurveda is the knowledge of life. Through a dosha analysis and counselling based on this, you will find out what your body really needs to be in balance and to balance physical symptoms.

Katinka Ehret | Personal Trainerin | Ganzheitliche Gesundheit

Conscious Movement Routine

In 2 sessions per week with very conscious movements you will get a better and better feeling for your body and help it to be more flexible and powerful.

My offers for you

Now it's up to you to take the next step. Your well-being and your health deserve that you make a decision that suits your lifestyle. Whether you want to book flexibly by the hour, prefer regular support or are looking for a profound change with the Life Changer package - there is an option to suit you. Choose the model that suits you best and let's achieve your goals together.

Ready to start your journey?

Then book your free consultation now and let's find out together whether and how I can help you achieve your goals.

IMPORTANT: Please only book a consultation if you are really ready for change and want to invest the time and money in yourself. As I only have limited capacity, I only work with the right people on a very selective basis.

The next steps

Katinka Ehret | Personal Trainerin | Ganzheitliche Gesundheit

Book an introductory meeting

Choose a suitable date for you and bring all your questions to the interview

Katinka Ehret | Personal Trainerin | Ganzheitliche Gesundheit

Familiarisation meeting

We will get to know each other personally via Zoom and discuss whether and how I can best accompany you

Katinka Ehret | Personal Trainerin | Ganzheitliche Gesundheit


If everything is right for a collaboration, we will start training in line with your individual goals 

Why my training is unique for you


I help successful female entrepreneurs to strengthen their inner balance and health through mindful training in order to realise their professional and private visions with clarity and energy.

My mindful training combines physical movement, awareness work and inner healing to support you as a successful entrepreneur to strengthen your inner balance and energy and to be holistically healthy.

By combining conscious movement and mindfulness with effective yoga practices, I help you to realise your professional and private visions with clarity and ease - without additional stress or time pressure.

years of experience in the areas of nutrition, exercise and health

and more training programmes in the healthcare sector

and more customers accompanied

Success stories of my customers

Find out how other successful women have achieved their goals through my training and found a new level of balance and health.

It always feels really good!

I always look forward to the training sessions. It's different and always feels really good. The "headstand" the other day was an exciting experience and very unusual. I thought I was going to fall over backwards, but it worked. I'm looking forward to more attempts!

Softer and softer hips and a new feeling in everyday life!

Wow! Katinka!!! My hips!!! They feel softer and more flexible every time. And this also changes the feeling in my lower back. It feels soooo good and is already noticeable in everyday life. Thank you!!!

I dare to try out more and more new things!

You help to break boundaries with love and awareness. Physically and mentally. During the sessions, I realise that my body is capable of so much more. Taking part in the training is so good for me and allows me to try out new things more courageously in everyday life.

Frequently asked questions

Where and how does Premium Personal Training take place?
Premium Personal Training takes place online via Zoom. We coordinate all appointments together. If you book the Life Changer package, we will also be in contact via Telegram or WhatsApp between appointments and you can discuss any questions directly with me.
How does Premium Personal Training work?
In the first appointment you will receive a detailed anamnesis of your current condition.
We take a look at where you are right now and what your challenges and goals are.
At the beginning of each training session, we also look at how you are feeling and what you and your body need at the moment.
Based on this, I customise the Premium Personal Training.
How is Premium Personal Training customised to your individual needs?

Your body knows best what it needs. I help you to recognise this better and better yourself - and to listen to it. That's why training always starts with the question "How are you feeling today and what does your body need right now?". This helps you to develop an ever better feeling for your body.

Thanks to my many years of experience and working with many different people with a wide range of physical conditions and needs, I can also immediately see what is needed.

The first goal is always to help your body achieve balance. Because that is the state of health. And based on this - and taking your long-term goals into account - I put together the training very intuitively and we work closely with your body's feedback.

Is Premium Personal Training also suitable for you if you already have health problems?
Yes, definitely! The main focus should always be on prevention, so that health problems don't arise in the first place.
But if this is the case, my Premium Personal Training serves to help your body regain its balance and then stay that way.
Katinka Ehret | Personal Trainerin | Ganzheitliche Gesundheit

I look forward to seeing you,
Your Katinka!

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